Essential Motion

All our reactions to people, situations, to thoughts in our mind are actually reactions to the kind of sensations that are arising in our body. When these sensations are unrecognized our lives are lost in the waterfall of reactivity. We disconnect from living presence, from full awareness, from our heart.”

Tara Brach

For many of us, our dialog is primarily in our heads. The intention of Essential Motion is to guide us towards an inner dialog with our bodies. As we listen deeply to that dialog, we learn to recognize signals from our bodies and balance the “body-mind” mix of information within. 

The process of Essential Motion creates a safe space of curiosity, trust and open-heartedness in which we can cultivate a capacity to tune into these signals and create new references for what is possible for us.  We can experience a spontaneity and an ability to improvise, which brings us home to our authenticity –  to the person we really are –  to reengage with the natural ease and playfulness of our bodies. From there we can move into the world from our whole selves.

At first this kind of experience can feel like having lost our usual moorings. As we begin to let go of our habitual ways of being in the world, we begin to reorient our relationship to our bodies.

We develop a new body intelligence.  We discover a wisdom that helps us deal with discomfort and dis-ease and supports compassion for ourselves and others. 

Basic Practices – Angeles Arrien 

  • Show up and be present

  • Pay attention to what has heart and meaning

  • Speak your truth without judgment or blame

  • Be open but not attached to the outcome

Jag är så tacksam att jag fick vara med på detta fina äventyr och få träffa dig som vägledde oss på ett så inspirerande, lekfullt och kärleksfullt sätt.❤

Genja Thesslund